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Devyani / देवयानी

  • Devyani was the beautiful daughter of Shukracharya, the preceptor of the demons. She fell in love with Kach, a student of her father.
  • When Kach was leaving after his studies were over, she asked him to marry her. Kach refused, saying that as the daughter of his preceptor, she was like his sister.
  • Feeling insulted Devyani cursed him, that his knowledge would be powerless. Kach also cursed her that no Brahman would marry her.
  • One day, when Devyani along with her companions had gone to a lake to bathe, the wind mixed up all the clothes lying on the bank. Devyani's clothes got mixed up with those of Sharmishtha, the daughter of the demon king Vrishparva. A quarrel issued, in which Sharmishtha slapped Devyani and threw her into a well.
  • Devyani was rescued by king Yayati, who was hunting in the woods. She asked him to marry her, as he had lifted her out with his right hand. But he said it was not possible, as she was a Brahman woman and he was but a Kshatriya.
  • Devyani, feeling that she could no longer return to the city in which Sharmishtha lived, remained in the woods, till her father arrived to take her back. Devyani went back, only after having acquired Sharmishtha as her maid.
  • One day, Devyani met Yayati and at her request and with permission from Shukracharya, Yayati married her and promised his father-in-law that he would never invite Sharmishtha to share his bed.
  • Devyani bore Yayati two sons, Yadu and Turvasu. When Devyani learnt Yayati had also fathered Sharmishtha's children, she withdrew in anger to her father Shukracharya, with Yayati at her heels.
  • On learning of the breach of promise, Shukracharya cursed Yayati that he would become prematurely old. Shukracharya softened to Yayati's pleadings and told Yayati that he could regain his youth if he could find someone who was willing to exchange his youth with Yayati's old age.