Kusum Sarovar

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Excerpts from 'MATHURA' A District Memoir by F.S.Growse Year 1874

About 2 kilometers from Govardhan near Radha-kund, a magnificent architecural group was erected by Jawahar Singh in honour of his father Suraj Mal (1707-1763). An earthen pond till 1675, it was constructed properly by the ruler of Orcha, Veer Singh, after which Suraj Mal gave it the form of a garden for his queen Kishori making it an attractive and spectacular place. Afterwards, Jawahar Singh considered it as a memento of his parents. The principle tomb is 57 sq-feet in area. The best part of the design is the plinth, which is at once bold in outline and delicate in finish.The Raja's monument is flanked on either sides by one of somewhat less dimensions, commemorating of his two queens, Hansiyat and Kishori. The lofty terrace upon which they stand is 460 feet in length, with a long shallow pavillion ser_ving as a screen at each end, and nine two-stories kiosks of varying outline to relieve the front. Attached to Rani Hansiya's monument is a smaller one in commemoration of a faithful attendant. Behind is an extensive garden, and in front, at the foot of the terrace, is an artificial lake, called the Kusum-Sarovar, 460feet square; the flights of stone steps on each side being broken into one central and four smaller side compartments by panelled and arcaded walls running out 60 feet into the water. On the north side, some progress had been made in the erectio of a chattri for Jawahar Singh, when the work was interrupted by Muhammadan inroad and never renewed. On the same side, the ghats of the lake are partly in ruins , and it is said were reduced to this condition, a very few years after their completion, by the Gosain Himmat Bahadur, who carried away the materials to Brinda-ban, to be used in the construction of a ghat which still commemorates his name there. Kusum Sarovar is an attractive place which lies on the sacrd circular path (parikrama) of Govardhan and is under government protection. Improper maintenance is leading to the structure losing its beauty.